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Top 10 Scariest Places In The World

Number 10 The Abandoned Gulliver's Travel Park childhood is often a time of discovery site and innocence places specially dedicated to kids reassociate some objects and things like venture or theme parks with them. in these places begin to fall into disrepair like with the abandoned Gulliver's travels parking Japan truly unsettling places are created. in fact the abandoned Gulliver's travels parking Japan this a step further Gulliver's travels are all about individual exploring the unknown
and coming across large and small things like. because of this the park is filled with imagery and objects that are wildly blown out of proportion.

Number 9 The Abandoned Coal-Washing Plant known as a very insurable on the French abandoned French for is simply out of this world designed for the purpose of processing and washing coal was produced in area minds and cycles in this industrial park experience of prior years ago leaving behind a metallic skeletal remain applies logic incredibly dirty any person who enters has to throw their clothes away to the smell of death trap like a stretch of the imagination is incredibly scary place to be lost in.

Number 8 The Mirney Diamond Mine Diamond mining is incredibly challenging despite your radically higher levels of diamonds and Rust they are typically depths that are far beyond our ability to reach with modern technology and they are a little closer to the surface and find ways to get to the with this in mind converting diamond or present a return to find and extract diamonds when all was said and done it was the second largest open pit mine in the world. very diamond mine is inactive mine in Siberia is completely open what makes it among the scariest places on the planet is that it is a circular hole at no more than 1700 feet. in diameter of about 3900 feet well making combat from the air it looks like a massive hell mouth just waiting everything that comes. the whole creates powerful downward curves at some nearby helicopters in killing their crew. when viewing from the side of many diamond mine looks at a massive endless hole into the center of the year when looking down all you see is blackness or more than 1000 feet over.

Number 7 The Red Sands Sea Forts The red sand sea ports are located in the river things exist to supply report on any movement during World War II. the first line of defense against an imminent attack but was overridden sand sea ports at the grief task of reporting an attack they would probably not survive abandoned and remaining in place to this day the red sand sea ports are eerie testament to our past. red sand sea force winds from the water like a lot of monsters raised in the air by metal supports that look like spindly legs. red sand sea ports are on the sentinels habitats for squatters and recluses alike the red sand sea ports are all but forgotten.

Number 6 Shicheng Underwater City when encountering a city coming from out of the depths we often consider Atlantis were other people's cities have been lost to time and find themselves beneath the waves in China are our cities and villages that have been lost caused by natural disaster as well as economical expansion and renewal fees underwater habitats remain your messages of those places we once called home structures more than 400 years of age are still relatively intact and divers are constantly finding new things among it all however distorted relics of the past plug-in in person someday and you see it in pictures or explore its first head there is a haunting quality about the place that makes it one of the scariest places on the planet.

Number 5 The Sanzhi UFO Houses constructed a new Taipei city Taiwan in 19 $.78 a UFO houses were a bold move towards experimental punching architecture. quickly becoming a ghost town after being considered cursed sand sea UFO houses remained for decades as derelict reminders of the old architectural plan. this increased popularity as an unofficial tourist destination. which also lead to more accidents and deaths over time. eventually sand sea UFO houses were bulldozed in 2000 and leaving behind tiles of rubble and broken architecture.

Number 4 The Power Plant IM billed as the largest clue burning power plants in all of Belgium. power plants IM has fallen into to hear this construction in 1921. power plants IM as a haunting architecture that combines massive industrial machines with brick-and-mortar construction. the end result is this abandoned landscape and vast expanses of interior and exterior space in my imagination to ceilings overlooked tips and holes that disappear into the darkness.

Number 3 The Willard Asylum and number of asylum to the site of the chronic insane stands as a testament to the terrible practices that occurred in some mental institutions up until the past decades. located in upstate New York with the asylum has been abandoned for a long time creating an additional look of neglect. old pieces of furniture medical equipment and even suitcases abandoned when the place was closed are strode about. the atmosphere that the wilderness island has among the creepiest in the world.

Number 2 The Orpheum Auditorium beloved by a few and forgotten by most Orpheum Auditorium stands today as the abandoned auditorium and theater space in New Bedford Massachusetts. with construction finishing the date of the Titanic sunk it would remain in operational use until the late 1950s. when it was closed down for good with no work done to it since then Orpheum Auditorium remains a haunting space that is incredible to see.

Number 1 Christ of the Abyss created as part of an ordinance of 1965. restarts use of Christ were sunk to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. copies were made and one was sunk off the coast of Florida. massive scale that tower over any person scuba diving around them remain utterly surreal surrounded by the whiteness of the ocean floor.


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